List your tourism product or service

Yes that is correct. On our directory you can list your Slovenian tourism business for free.
Submit your guided or self-guided tour, adventure, attraction, activity, service  or anything else related to Slovenia free of charge.

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Listing features

Add your tourism business to our directory

To add your FREE listing to the Slovenian Adventures directory please fill in the form below with all the details of your business, product or service. Click the submit button. Your submission will go through for approval. Once approved it will be live in our directory.

Your listing is valid for 1 year in the directory. You will be prompted to update your listing’s details prior to its expiry date.

Once you have submitted everything, login details will be emailed to you so you can access your dashboard. You can login anytime to edit your listing. You may list as many products and services as you like. Simply login at anytime and fill in another form.

Thanks in advance for submitting your Slovenian adventure to our directory.


To ensure the best quality look to your listing please upload images at least 1200 pixels on the longest side, and preferably horizontal. Remember you can include max 5 photos.


You can list your business in up to 3 relevant categories. If you cannot find a suitable category, please select other and we will choose or create a category to fit.


When choosing a location, if you are listing a tour then set the location to where the tour begins. If you are listing a general business or service then set to where you are located.

Listing for the first time?

TIP: write out your listing details in MS word or another text editor first and save it to your computer. Then paste it all into the boxes when ready. This way if something goes wrong you won’t have to write it all out again.

Returning user?

Simply click the log in link at the start of the form, log in and fill in the form for your new listing, or go to your dashboard to edit your existing listings.

If you are having any problems or have any questions please feel free to email and we will help you.

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Don't worry, we're here to help

Don’t worry too much if your description, titles or other content is not in perfect English. We will check and correct any mistakes we find before approving.

Need more help with your listing?

Slovenian Adventures Travel Guide